(Affiliated to Bharathiar University, Coimbatore) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act 1956,Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Re-Accredited by NAAC with 'B+' Grade
The Department of Biotechnology is well equipped to perform research in different areas of Biology. The available facilities include sophisticated laboratory equipments such as Plant Tissue Culture, Animal Tissue Culture, and Molecular Biology, Microbial Biotechnology, Immunology, Downstream Processing, DNA Finger Printing, Recombinant DNA Technology etc. The School has sophisticated facilities including the DNA Sequencer, UV Spectrophotometer, Refrigerated Micro centrifuge, High Speed Centrifuge, Ultrasonicator, PCR Machine (Eppendrof and MJ Research), ELISA Reader, Electro blotter, Milli-Q-Filtration System, Phase Contrast Microscope, Inverted Microscope with micro photographic facility, CO2 Incubator, Gel Documentation Unit, -80°C and -20°C deep freezer, Bioreactor, Walk-in Cold Room, Biophotometer, Freeze Dryer, Bioanalyzer, etc.,
Double beam spectrophotometer, thermo cycler, refrigerated centrifuge, separate plant tissue culture-inoculation, inoculation chamber, trinocular microscope, a separate department library with advanced books, a well equipped cold room. Well-equipped ultra modern laboratories having latest configured computer are offered in our college. The laboratory is kept open for the students till 6.00 pm. The computer laboratory is equipped with LAN Server, NET Server, internet connection through very high speed 4 MB radio frequency is operating round the clock, with in the college premises to help the students and staff.
The laboratory is well equipped with instruments viz., double beam spectrophotometer, deep freezer, thermocycler, refrigerated centrifuge, plant tissue culture and microbial inoculation chamber, trinocular microscope, a well-equipped cold room.