Grievance Redressal - Nandha Arts & Science College

The Students Grievance Redressal Committee is functioning to redress the student’s grievances and to monitor disciplinary issues. Through this

UGC – Guidelines for SGRC (Student Grievance Redressal Cells) Click here

GRAMS (Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System)

all the students are secure and benefit from all perspectives.

The committee members for the academic year 2024-2025 are as follows:

S.No. Member Name Department/Designation Contact Number
1 Dr. S. Manoharan Principal & Chairperson 9095710555
2 Dr. V.C. Srinivasan Administrative Officer 7373724422
3 Dr. D. Yuvaraaj Coordinator 9865222304
4 Dr. V.K. Veerakumar Deputy Coordinator 9942036489
5 Dr. K. Gunasekaran Head (B.Com) 9842677891
6 Dr. K.R. Ananth Head (B.Sc. AI & DS) 9965812134
7 Dr. T.  Annadurai Associate Professor in Tamil 9715016233
8 Ms. R. Geetha Assistant Professor in B.Sc. CT 9384951622
9 Ms. T. Baby Assistant Professor in BCA 9865527556
10 Dr. V. Senthil Kumar Assistant Professor in B.Sc. Biotech 9865569488
11 Mr. V. Gnaneswaran Assistant Professor in B.Sc. Maths 9578498731
12 Ms. M. Hemalatha Assistant Professor in B.Sc. IT 9677811944
13 Mr. T. Boopathy Assistant Professor in BBA 9842863636
14 Mr. E. Arunkumar Assistant Professor in English 8525058001
15 Mr. R. Eshwar Assistant Professor in Psychology 8270133517
16 Ms. M. Madhumitha Assistant Professor in CDF 9095829572
17 Mr. R. Ramesh Assistant Professor in B.Com (PA) 7397611182
18 MS. A. Aishwarya Assistant Professor in B.Sc Physics 9952475393
19 Dr. M. Karthik Assistant Professor in B.Sc (CS) 6383461062
20 Mr. P. Monish I M.Sc (Biotech) Student
21 Ms. V. Kiruthika Suruthi II M.A ( English) Student
22 Mr. M. Mohammad Afridheen I B.Com (IT) Student
23 Ms. G. Meikeerthi III B.Sc ( Chemistry) Student

Students are advised to use the suggestion box placed on different places in each bock or they can directly convey their grievances to the above-mentioned committee members. They can use the email id to express their grievances. The college assures that the complaints or suggestions received from the students will be treated confidentially.


  • To create a platform where students can bring out their grievances freely and frankly with regard to academic and non-academic issues.
  • To get suggestions from the students for improvement.
  • To take necessary remedial steps to solve the issues as quickly as possible and to prevent the recurrence of similar events.


In order to ensure smooth functioning, the students are advised to follow the procedures and rules which are framed by the committee members.

  • The students can directly convey their grievances to the above committee members
  • The Students can use the Suggestion box placed on different places in each bock
  • They can use the mail id to express their grievances.
  • The committee members pursue the grievances on regular intervals.
  • The committee members will then initiate redressal measures for the grievances.
  • The result of the committee will be informed to the concern students, staff-in charges, and HOD.
  • If the student is not satisfied with the redressal result, he/she can approach the Principal for the same grievance.