(Affiliated to Bharathiar University, Coimbatore) Recognized under section 2(f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act 1956,Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Re-Accredited by NAAC with 'B+' Grade
Fee concession for children of Faculty in any of Nandha Institutions.
Research forums for faculty members.
FDP in every department at regular intervals.
Incentive for project and commendable research.
Financial assistance for Paper Presentations & Publications.
Regularized Medical Leave, Casual Leave and On Duty Leave.
College working hours – 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
All the faculty members have to mark the attendance twice a day (Before 9.30 a. m. in morning and 4.30 p. m. onwards in evening)
All staff members have to be in the College during working hours and follow the proper dress code.
Faculty has to handle the theory, laboratory and other classes.
University Examination Work is mandatory for all Faculty.
The appointment can be terminated with three calendar month’s notice or payment of three month’s pay in lieu of notice period. Notice period must be co-terminus with the End of Semester.
The promotion to higher cadre depends on Experience, Teaching, Research and satisfactory academic activities in the college.
P.F. Contribution benefit to staff are being made regularly to the eligible Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff.
Faculty is eligible for 12 days of CL per year in addition to government holidays.
Faculty has to take leave with prior sanction from the HOD and Principal with proper alternate arrangement.
Leave can be informed over phone only in case of emergency.
Staff members can avail one hour permission twice a month. However such a facility is to be used only for essential needs.
A female faculty can avail 1 year of maternity leave.
The faculty members have to abide by the rules and regulations of the institutions framed from time to time for the effective functioning of the college.
The staff members shall not engage themselves either directly or indirectly in conduct of any business, trade, running of educational institution, part time job in any other institution/organizations.
The staff members shall not involve themselves in activities not related to their work during working hours.
The faculty members shall not engage in private tuition.
Staff members are encouraged to take up consultancy projects however, with the knowledge of the Management.
The staff members are prohibited from accepting valuable gifts in any form from the students / parents / companies having business transactions with the college.
The staff members shall not interfere in any matter not connected to their job requirement.
The details of student feedback forms and performance appraisal reports given by the superiors shall be treated as confidential.
All correspondence to the Management has to be routed through proper channel.
All faculties should take part actively in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Faculty has to take active participation in conducting value added courses to the students to enhance their employability.
Faculty should continuously update their knowledge by attending Seminars / Workshops etc., and using library.
Each teaching staff with experience of more than 3 years has to publish at least one technical paper per year.
Teaching staff are normally eligible for four weeks of vacation per year and Non-teaching staff are normally eligible for two weeks of vacation per year.
The Principal has the right to prevent any staff members from availing a portions or the whole of vacation if the services of the particular faculty is considered essential.
Staff members who have completed 3 years (Nandha) of services as on date of commencement of the vacation period are entitled for vacation.
No leave can be combined with the vacation. The staff has to present on the last working day prior to the vacation and also on the first working day after the vacation to become eligible to draw the vacation salary.
Personal ODs will not be adjusted during the vacation in general. However Principal may permit based on genuine needs.
Rules and regulations are published every year with necessary corrections. All employees are informed about the rules & regulations whenever it is necessary and it is also available in the website.
For students all rules and regulations are printed in the academic calendar.